Sunday, 12 February 2017

Note to fans

As many of you will have noticed, the blog is stopped. Unfortunately the commitments prevent me from continuing with the projects. But beware, the 'Iveco LMV is ready, and with him other vehicles. They are coming new script to make much more realistic mod. New functions and ways of using the military vehicles. I'm studying lunge the programming language because I want to make my mod, unique in their kind. Also new for my APCMV RS-1 Predator, which has new changes and new features. This is the RS-2 GUARDIAN. As you know, each of you is free to make a donation via Paypal, to support these projects. The proceeds of the donations will be used to purchase new 3D models much more detailed and more advanced features. To make a donation is simple. Just connect to this link it tells you the function for donations via GTAInside. Each of you will be thanked properly complete with a plaque that will be published for your support. Finally, here in Italy all goes well, I hope that all those who follow me and support me are well. Thank you all for your attention. Soon I will publish the new mod and screen on new functions for the vehicles.


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